AN ISLAMIC CONSCIENCE: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis

AN ISLAMIC CONSCIENCE: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis (full hour-long YouTube documentary)

“For the past five decades the Aga Khan has been the spiritual leader and Imam of the Ismaili Muslims in a world that has changed dramatically. From the end of colonialism and the expulsion of the Asians in Uganda to the fall of the Iron Curtain and 9/11, the Aga Khan has struggled for a common humanity in a divided world.
And the divides are not just East and West but also within the Muslim World itself. The Ismaili Muslims have been persecuted in the past and their history has shaped them and their philosophy.
Who is the Aga Khan? Who are the Ismailis? And what do they have to say about our post 9/11 world? The Aga Khan vehemently says we are facing a clash of ignorance – not of civilizations or even of religions.
As the first documentary on the Aga Khan in almost fifty years and with a rare and exclusive interview with him, this is the film that needed to be made.”
Directed by: Bill Cran, Jane Chablani, Shamir Allibhai
Produced by: Shamir Allibhai

AN ISLAMIC CONSCIENCE: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis (2 minute trailers)

Living Camera: Aga Khan

Update: We are pleased to share another documentary, Living Camera: Aga Khan by Bob Drew.

Living Camera: Aga Khan is a behind-the-scenes documentary on His Highness the Aga Khan as he travels in pursuit of his worldly and spiritual affairs in 1961, soon after he has taken over as the Imam of the Ismaili Muslims from his grandfather and lost his father to a tragic car accident.

Alternative YouTube link to trailer and purchase

We are excited to share information about the first documentary released in fifty years on Aga Khan, the spiritual leader and Imam of the Ismaili Muslims. More information on the film can be found at, where you can also support the filmmaker and purchase a high-def version of the film. See below the three trailers and the YouTube version of the full-length video.

To purchase lifetime, streaming, online access to Aga Khan Films: Collector’s Edition, visit the official film website HERE. To receive the discounted price of only $5 (from the original price of $39.99), click the checkbox “Use coupon” and enter the coupon code SUPPORTER.

This is the only exclusive and full online package that includes ALL of the following:
-An Islamic Conscience: the Aga Khan and the Ismailis (61 mins documentary)
-Living Camera: Aga Khan (56 mins documentary)
-Extras including an exclusive interview with the Aga Khan, the Aga Khan speaking at MIT’s Commencement — plus much much more!
3+ hours of video, instant streaming, yours forever!
(detailed information is on the filmmaker’s site)